Acting Police Commissioner Juki Fong Chew.
Open communication within families regarding illegal activities can help address social problems involving youths nowadays.
Acting Police Commissioner Juki Fong Chew highlights poor communication as one of the many factors that contributes to youths engaging in illegal activities like abusing illegal substances and crime.
He says this in response to reports of an increasing trend of youths roaming communities and hangouts, engaging in drinking alcohol, smoking illegal substances and gambling.
“These youths belong to a family, and if the family cannot look after them well, they tend to move out of the family setting, they join a peer group and learn more things, which becomes a disaster.”
The Acting Police Commissioner says the Fiji Police Force is working with stakeholders to deliver the message that open communication among families can be a solution.
Chew says this is a key message that the force imparts to the public as part of its community policing efforts.