
Teachers terminated over no jab no job policy reinstated

September 12, 2023 4:40 pm

More than 500 new teacher graduates have been absorbed by the Education Ministry to fill in the gaps following the resignation of 441 teachers in the first half of this year.

Education Minister Aseri Radrodro says this proactive approach ensures that the education system maintains its quality and continues to provide excellent teaching to students across the country.

Radrodro confirms 569 new teacher graduates have been employed as of August this year.

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He says to ensure that education quality is not compromised, they have also re-engaged retired teachers to enhance the teaching and learning experience for students.

“Reengagement was done through expression of interest processes and for 2023 there were 38 secondary school teachers who have retired in 2022 and 24 were reengaged due to lack of teachers in specific areas Mathematics, Physics, Computer and Office Technology.”

Radrodro says they have also reengaged teachers who were terminated due to no jab no job policy.

“There were 190 teachers who were terminated and 119 showed interest and have been reengaged. From this 22 were ECE teachers who were terminated, only five were reengaged. There were 105 primary school teachers terminated , 63 have expressed interest to be reengaged and with secondary school teachers 63 were terminated and 51 were reengaged under the relaxation of no jab no job policy.”

Radrodro says the criteria for recruitment was based on merit.

The Education Minister stresses that he had also ensured that there was no nepotism.