
Church squashes speculation of Christian State agenda

August 30, 2023 4:43 pm

[File Photo]

Amidst ongoing speculations, the Methodist Church in Fiji and Rotuma has clearly stated that the topic of declaring Fiji a Christian State is not up for deliberation.

The rumours had gained momentum, suggesting that the outcome might emerge following the annual Methodist conference.

Communications General Secretary Reverend Wilfred Regunamada has emphasized that the church’s focus remains on addressing other pertinent matters, in accordance with the constitutional framework.

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“We continue to acknowledge what the constitution has dictated: that it’s a secular state and everyone is equal under the law. Everyone lives happily and practices their faith and religion in their own communities under their rights and freedom.”

Communication General Secretary Reverend Wilfred Regunamada.

Deaconess Meresiana Kuricava, a member of the group that previously proposed the subject, stressed the significance of maintaining Christian faith.

“When this group of individuals practices and lives Christianity, for me, even though it may not be documented, it makes the nation a Christian state”

The Methodist Church’s annual conference will continue tomorrow at Furnival Park in Suva.