Climate Change

SODELPA appeals to PM over Japan’s nuclear wastewater plan

August 27, 2023 4:36 pm

[File Photo]

Social Democratic Liberal Party Leader Viliame Gavoka has appealed to Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka to review his stance on Japan’s disposal of nuclear wastewater into the Pacific Ocean.

Rabuka had initially supported Japan’s compliance with safety protocols outlined by the International Atomic Energy Agency.

However, the PM has also emphasized the need for an independent scientific assessment.

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Gavoka further highlighted the concerns of SODELPA Youth, who also implored Rabuka to reconsider his position.

The SODELPA Leader acknowledged the diversity of opinions within the Coalition government and the allowance for conscience votes, underlining the dynamics of political relationships.

General Secretary of SODELPA Viliame Takayawa is also concerned, particularly noting the view that Rabuka has taken on the role of a national leader.

Takayawa confirmed that the party intends to communicate directly with the Prime Minister tomorrow as decided to raise the pressing issue of nuclear waste disposal in the Pacific.