
Over 14,500 Fijians depart our shores in June

August 2, 2023 7:13 am

A total of 14,666 Fiji Residents departed our shores in June alone, of which 1340 left for employment opportunities.

According to the Fiji Bureau of Statistics June report, 11,884 Fijians were absent for a short-term absence of under three months, and 527 were absent for over three months and within a 12-month period.

Out of 1340 that left for employment opportunities, 626 left for New Zealand, 411 left for Australia, and 166, 28, and 14 left for the Pacific Islands, USA, and Japan, respectively.

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A total of 2,255 resident departures were for a longer-term absence of one year or more.

354 residents migrated in the month of June alone, and out of this, 225 migrated to New Zealand, 54 to Australia, 74 to the USA, and one to Canada.

5152 went on holiday, 4780 visited relatives and friends, and 1377 Fijians went for Education and training.

1054 went on business trips, while 609 went for other purposes.

A total of 8419 Fiji residents departed our shores in June last year.

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