
Any form of help matters: Dr Fong

July 6, 2023 6:34 am

Dr James Fong.

A donor coordination team has been established by the Ministry of Health to fast-track their assistance process.

Permanent Secretary for Health Doctor James Fong says they are welcoming any form of assistance, either monetary or a helping hand, from international and local donors and communities that will assist in improving health infrastructure.

He adds that discussions are ongoing to sort out the types of assistance needed and facilitate them accordingly.

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“I am also looking at not only the capacity to implement things but also people who might provide services that might help us implement programs. If I have for infrastructure, some people can come in and just donate their time to do scoping and costing for some of the work that we want to do free of charge, which would make us be able to implement the program faster.”

Dr Fong says such assistance will greatly assist in their plans to revive the health sector.