The Pacific Recycling Foundation has announced that it will conduct a mapping exercise of the informal waste collection sector in Fiji.
Through this project, the Foundation aims to create a comprehensive database of those involved in waste picking.
PRF Founder, Amitesh Deo, underlines the significance of understanding the difficulties experienced by waste pickers, primarily women and members of the LGBTQ community, who are essential to keeping communities clean and lowering waste pollution.
“So the reason why we’re doing this is, again, to understand the needs of this community so we can provide them structured support. When we say structured support, I want to be very clear. It’s not to create a sense of dependency. We are not going to go out and sort of start handing out money or funds. It’s about empowering these groups. So the strategies on how do we get these groups empowered, financially empowered, economic empowerment and human rights understanding of those things.”
In order to ensure inclusivity and diversity, the PRF team will work closely with community-based groups and stakeholders when they begin their fieldwork in late June.
The information acquired will help in formulating plans to enhance living and working conditions.