The Chiefs should not be greedy as they are there for the vanua and the i-Taukei people.
These were the words of 85-year-old Isaia Tuirakiwaimaro while making his submissions to the Great Council of Chiefs Review Team in Nailega, Tailevu yesterday.
Tuirakiwaimaro says the GCC should stand still and look back at the struggles and the challenges the indigenous people face daily.
He says the GCC should never have a political agenda as it will drive away the real purpose of the GCC.
[85-year-old Isaia Tuirakiwaimaro]
“This is a very important point that I need to raise. The i-Taukei people are everywhere and what are the chiefs doing about it. We can’t be doing everything to the chiefs while you are staying comfortable in your homes, I am asking you to stop it, Look back at us, the i-Taukei people, we serve the church, the government, the vanua, these are some of the issues that are forcing us into poverty. Hear us. Listen to us as we highlights our needs.”
The 85-year-old from Tailevu says it’s crucial for the GCC to work with the 14 provinces and the government on the way forward.
The GCC Review consultation is currently underway at the Nausori Hall in Nausori at this hour.