[Source: Pacific-Community-SPC/ Facebook]
Organic farmers from across the Pacific have gathered in Nadi to identify gender barriers within organic agriculture and find solutions to best address them.
The meeting supports the development of a strategic plan for the POETCom Women’s Chapter, which was formed by the Pacific Organic and Ethical Trade Community in 2021.
Speaking at the event, Assistant Minister for Women, Children and Poverty Alleviation, Sashi Kiran discussed efforts by the Fiji Government to incorporate gender into all policies and programmes.
Acting Counsellor for the Human Development Team at the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Erika Oord acknowledged the good work that the Pacific Community SPC through POETCom is doing in the region empowering women farmers and strengthening their capacity at both policy and technical levels, mentioning SPC’s assistance in facilitating discussions for the recently completed Palau National Organic Policy.