
Chand recalls tales of grandfather

May 5, 2023 12:10 pm

The arrival of the Girmitiyas had a significant impact on the societies and economies of the colonies where they were brought.

93-year-old Rup Chand says the Girmityas brought with them their own culture, customs, and traditions, which have greatly influenced the cultural landscape of the countries where they settled.

He recalls that his great-grandfather and grandfather came to Fiji on the Syria ship that crashed into the Nasilai Reef.

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Rup Chand. 

Chand remembers his grandfather telling him the courageous act of the Navilaca villagers and how grateful he was of them.

“My grandfather came in the Ship Syria which crashed with the Nasilai Reef I remember how grateful he was of the villages who helped them at the time of need.”

Chand says that after being rescued, his grandparents were sent to Taveuni, where they worked on the plantations. They later moved to Viti levu and settled on Princess Road in Lakeba Street, where the Rup’s family resides to this day.

“ After moving from Taveuni to Vitilevu they came to Lakeba street and we have been here since then”

He says that Lakeba Street wasn’t always a modern street but was full of jungle and big rice plantations where they worked.

“Lakeba street wasn’t always like this it was full of jungle and we used to plant rice here. We used to fill two big drums from the river so that we can wash our dishes and take our baths. I still smile when I think about it.”

The Girmitiyas played a crucial role in the development of agriculture, mining, and other industries, and were responsible for transforming these colonies into thriving societies.