[File Photo]
The preparation of the Great Council of Chiefs is currently ongoing.
Now that the GCC is being confirmed to be held on the Chiefly Island of Bau, Deputy Prime Minister Manoa Kamikamica says the team assigned by the government to review the GCC will ensure that preparations are on track.
Kamikamica says this is a huge task for the government, the Itaukei Affairs Department, and the Vanua.
“The cabinet has approved the go ahead of the GCC and there is a sub-committee that is headed by the Minister of I-Taukei Affairs and at the moment the committee is making the preparation.”
Another focus of the GCC Review team is the vacant chiefly titles, and they will work with relevant stakeholders to address the issue before May.
The Great Council of Chiefs meeting will be held on Bau Island on the 24th and 25th of May.