
32 percent increase in complaints

January 24, 2023 6:20 am

The Construction Industry Council will prioritize contractor regulation this year due to an increase in the number of complaints about the work done by some of the contractors.

Construction Industry Council President Gordon Jenkins says there is a need to hold such contractors accountable.

“There are numerous cases of contractors not performing properly, and I think this is one way of beginning to make them a little more responsible for their actions. We hear that often, and the Consumer Council also hears about builders being paid a lot of money but doing only 75 percent of the work.”

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Jenkins believes that regulation will change a number of things in the construction industry.

“There are a lot of people suffering under this situation, and it would be an easy thing to put together, and how it is done is something we have been addressing as CIC for the past three years.”

The Consumer Council also confirms that there has been a 32% increase in complaints against contractors, and the value of these complaints stands at $1.2 million.

Chief Executive Seema Shandil says since August last year they have received 53 complaints while 103 complaints were received in 2020.