
Singh hints last local bout

June 21, 2024 6:21 am

Fiji heavyweight boxer James Singh

Fiji heavyweight boxer James Singh says his participation in this weekend’s Bluewater Boxing promotion might be his last local one.

He adds that he has heard the call to go a step further on the international stage and will not back down from the challenge.

“This will be my last local fight and we will turn our attention to the International Arena because I have been seeing on the media that people want me to fight International opponents and we will bring it home, we’re not going there, we’ll fight here!”

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Singh also hinted at the possibility of hosting an international opponent in August and looks forward to showcasing Fijian boxing talent on the world stage.

Meanwhile, Singh will face long-time rival Semi Dauloloma for the heavyweight title in the main supporting bout.

In other fights, Sebastian Singh takes on Savenaca Naliva in the main bout fighting for the WBF Asia-Pacific cruiserweight title.

Ratu Rakuro Daunivavana takes on Jese Ravudi for the welterweight title.

Mohammed Ali will meet Ronald Naidu for the light welterweight title, while Junior Binnu Singh meets Zulfikaar Ali for the featherweight belt.

The BlueWater Boxing Promotion starts at 4pm this Saturday at the Vodafone Arena in Suva.