
Society works on providing free legal services

June 22, 2024 4:14 pm

[Source: Fiji Law Society/ Facebook]

The Fiji Law Society will now focus on identifying the unmet legal needs in Fiji.

Speaking during the Fiji Law Society Inaugural Pro Bono roundtable, Society President Wylie Clarke highlighted the suggestion of how private practitioners and the Fiji Law Society, through its members, could assist in providing free services to vulnerable people.

He adds that this will improve the provision of legal services in Fiji.

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Clarke says that the Fiji Law Society is working on creating a strong cultural pro bono aimed at helping the communities.

“Those communities who sacrifice for us where we are. Those communities who have unmet needs that we can assist with, and it just so happens that it was, I think I’ve heard the term, alignment of the stars being mentioned as we were talking before the start.”

The President of the Fiji Law Society reiterates that the society council has resolved that the society will not only focus on looking after the welfare of its members but will also start to adopt a more broad-arranged approach to see what they can do as lawyers and as a society to assist the communities.

He emphasizes the importance of working in collaboration with other legal fraternities so Fijian lawyers could use the learning to build on the pro bono practice in Fiji with a view to fulfilling unmet legal needs.