
Nabouwalu youth on a mission to eradicate drug use

June 23, 2024 12:41 pm

Nabouwalu village

The Nabouwalu Youth Group in Bua is currently on a mission to completely eradicate the use and trade of illicit drugs in the village.

Nabouwalu village is currently known to be a red zone for illegal drugs due to its vulnerable location as one of the major ports of entry to Vanua Levu that deals with ferries on a daily basis.

Youth member Anaseini Nukumakaya highlighted to FBC News that the fight is still a process that will need a collaborative approach.

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“We are working closely with the police; they come to the village and create awareness, but we also have the church, where we discuss and share the challenges we are facing as youths and talk about them freely with church leaders and other youths and find solutions together, which I believe is currently having an impact for us in Nabouwalu.”

Nabouwalu port

Nukumakaya adds that the changes and developments in Nabouwalu were bound to happen since it’s the main business centre for the Bua province, but the challenge now is how best they can find solutions to the issues they are quite vulnerable to.

Meanwhile, Nabouwalu village has close to 30 households, of which the majority are farmers and fishermen, and government plans are already in place to develop it as a town.