
Forum addresses gap in Fiji's music industry

June 21, 2024 4:16 pm

VT1s Managing Director Tikiko Korocowiri

There is a growing concern about the gap between the administration and local artists, which is hindering the progress of the local music industry in Fiji.

During the Fiji Music Day celebrations, a Music Forum was held where local stakeholders emphasized the need for collaboration to bridge this gap and revive the music industry.

Fiji Performing Rights Association Director Eremasi Tamanisau says it is important to review relevant acts within the industry to ensure they are conducive to the growth and support of local artists.

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“The streaming, as we were talking about, is the biggest revenue growth in the music industry right now. But streaming runs over the digital domain, the internet. Unfortunately, the Copyright Act doesn’t cover it sufficiently. And that is something that we’ve been advocating to government since 2006.”

VT1s Managing Director Tikiko Korocowiri pointed out the existing disconnect between the administration and the artists, stressing that this issue needs to be addressed for the betterment of the industry.

The Music Forum, the first of its kind initiated by VT1s, brought together singers, artists, and various music entities to discuss and strategize the future of Fiji’s music industry.

This collaborative effort aims to create a more supportive environment for local artists and to enhance the overall growth and development of the music scene in Fiji.