
Food quality concerns grip market

June 24, 2024 12:46 pm

[File Photo]

Concerns have been raised regarding the quality of food products entering the Fijian market.

Trade Minister Manoa Kamikamica warns that this product fails to meet necessary standards.

He has called upon cooperation from private sector entities and institutions such as USP, FNU, and the Ministry of Agriculture to conduct essential testing, sharing costs with the government.

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Citing data from the World Health Organization, Kamikamica highlights that unsafe food poses a significant global threat, contributing to over 420,000 deaths in 2022 alone.

This risk, he says arises from various contaminants including harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites, and chemicals which can lead to more than 200 different diseases ranging from gastrointestinal issues to cancers.

“To ensure that food is safe to eat, food testing and standards is a crucial component of the food safety ecosystem.”

Kamikamica highlights critical food safety concerns identified by government agencies and consumer advocates.

It includes contamination by pests like mice and cockroaches, degradation of food quality from near-expiry items in improper storage conditions, inadequate ventilation causing product deterioration, tampering with expiry dates on imported goods and irregular temperature control maintenance affecting raw food quality.

Kamikamica states that food industry must integrate stringent standards into their operations.

He reiterates that collaboration between public and private sectors is vital to mitigate food contamination risks through enhanced prevention and monitoring.