
Calls for family values amid social issues

June 21, 2024 6:21 am

Faith-based organizations are calling on Fijians to take their religions seriously and instill good values and virtues in their children.

This comes in response to growing concerns about various social issues plaguing society, including illicit drugs, prostitution among youths, and an increasing number of young people living on the streets.

They stress the importance of parents and guardians taking a holistic approach to their family’s well-being and taking charge of their children’s upbringing.

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Methodist Church in Fiji and Rotuma’s Deputy General Secretary Reverend Dr. Anil Reuben highlights that ill-discipline is becoming a major concern among the younger generation.

“Now, because of all that is happening and messages are going through social media, the children are not even afraid of the parents. They’re not afraid. And whatever happens in the outside world is in seconds and in moments is shown in social media.”

He adds the church is actively collaborating with relevant authorities to address the issues.

“So the church is very much aware. And not just aware, they are involved in all the churches trying to, at this time, trying to deal with this problem, especially the drug problem.”

Shree Sanatan Dharm Pratinidhi Sabha of Fiji President Dhirendra Nand stresses the importance of prioritizing family time.

“Parents need to spend quality time with their children and talk about things and sit together, we need to pray together, we need to dine together, eat together, move out together, for social occasions, I think this togetherness is going to bring the family together.”

The faith-based organizations believe that through the united approach, there is hope for a positive impact on the lives of young Fijians.