
Addressing poverty through better time management

June 21, 2024 6:37 am

Minister for iTaukei Affairs Ifereimi Vasu emphasizes the crucial role of time management in addressing poverty in the Lomaiviti province.

While officiating during the Lomaiviti Provincial Council meeting, Vasu stressed the importance of discipline and effective time utilization, stating that these elements are key to improving livelihoods and maximizing land productivity.

According to Vasu, there are indigenous people who have achieved success in life by practicing better time management.

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“We must learn to manage our time effectively by going to bed early and waking up early to prepare for the next day’s work. Moving forward as we proceed.”

The Minister states that self-discipline and proper planning are instrumental in achieving progress.

Echoing similar sentiments, Lomaiviti Provincial Council Chair Ratu Etueni Caucau reports that all villagers are now working on their individual integrated village development plans, which incorporate productivity and time management.

“It begins with education. Another family is the base for education, like the minister was saying. Using the village hall as a study center at night. This will all incorporate and put into place the processes and procedures for time management.”

The province of Lomaiviti is working together to promote a culture of discipline, proper planning, and time management in order to reduce poverty and improve community development.