
Nadi International Airport taxi fares revised

June 20, 2024 6:16 am

[File Photo]

The Fijian Competition and Consumer Commission has completed the review of fares for Nadi International Airport Taxis which will come into effective from Saturday (22 June).

The new changes will see a significant reduction in the flag fall charges and an increase in the drop charges.

FCCC Chief Executive Joel Abraham stresses the change in fares is only applicable to Nadi International Airport Taxis and all other taxi fares remain unchanged.

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For taxis at the Nadi International Airport the flag fall charge per hire will drop from $7.10 to $5.00, drop charge per 100 meters will increase from 10 cents to 15 cents and waiting charge per one minute will remain 18 cents.

Abraham says with Nadi International Airport being a key entry point for international and domestic tourists in Fiji, the reduction in the flag fall charge from $7.10 to $5 is expected to make airport taxis more attractive to both locals and visitors, particularly for short trips.

He adds more so, since in the past, the high starting rate discouraged local use for short journeys.

Abraham says FCCC is committed to ensuring that taxi fares are fair and sustainable for the industry, and affordable for consumers.

He states the new fares reflect this commitment while also enhancing the competitiveness of Nadi International Airport Taxis.

Taxi fares are regulated under the FCCC (Control of Fares and Charges for Public Service Vehicles) Order 2023.

As such, FCCC has determined the new taxi fares through its independent assessment of the necessary financial information and industry insights provided by the Nadi International Airport Taxi Association and other relevant stakeholders.

Abraham says determining the appropriate fares was a matter of national interest, requiring thorough consideration and could not be rushed through.

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